Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Cassie Journal


Here are some pages from the journal I'm using to plan my next comic project, a collab with my dearest, darlingest boyfriend. Shoooop:

Whooooo...... Hope you like them

Friday, February 4, 2011

Daily update! Whaaa?

Here are some more comics!

Daily comics were originally a homework assignment.

Mechanism of Man is over ;_;

But yeah. . . Mechanism of Man ended today TT__TT Sadness. . . it was a really fun story, tooooo. . . But! My lovely darling boyfriend and I are starting a new story, literally right at this moment :D Yaaaay! Oh, and have a random drawing of Pavel as a human:

Pavel as a human. . . in his dreams :P

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gaaah I suck at updating this thing

Wellp, I do have a lot more daily comics. . . but a lot of them are uber, uber personal. . . I'll just post a couple that aren't. . .

You wanna see this porn? Too Bad.

wups, guess there's some nudity right there

I freakin' love that hat.

I've also been trying to do more. . . Fauvist, colorful, pretty work. I absolutely love it when artists work with unusual colors, with really detailed patterns. . . but I've never been able to do it. Still can't :P But here are a couple attempts:

Isaac, from Mechanism of Man

I love this little sexbot sooo much ;__;

Und another vone:

No comment. . . lol

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Another daily. . .

And another drawing, for a scifi story my sweetheart and I write. . . all the time :P Just so you guys can see what I'm drawing when I'm not doing retarded little dailies.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Diary comics post 2

Here's the next batch. . .

Alright, bitchessss

Starting up again! With daily comics. And stuff like that. I'mma post these in batches until I get current.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


A friend's OC! New York was sooo fun!